Facing declines in the price of copper and other minerals the Kinshasa government is now unable to finance even basic functions of the state. 面临铜价和其它矿产价格下跌,刚果政府现在甚至无力为最基本的政府功能提供资金。
Limiting the functions of the state audit is in effect, limiting the assurance required by Parliament, or limiting the ability of Parliament to use its agent to enquire into matters on its behalf. 限制国家审计的功能就是降低议会对可靠信息的要求也限制了议会利用代理人为其介入事务的能力。
This paper introduces the general components, functions of representational marine simulator in the state and oversea, and discuss the future developing of marine simulator. 介绍了国内外具有代表性的轮机模拟器的一般组成和性能特点,并分析其未来发展趋势。
In countries such as Greece and Italy, basic functions of the state such as tax collection and the awarding of public contracts are frequently corrupt. 在希腊和意大利等国,征税和分派政府采购合同等政府的基本职责中,常常存在腐败现象。
The basic administrative functions of the State Council shall, pursuant to law, be exercised the by the constituent ministries and commissions of the state council, which include the various ministries or commissions, the people's Bank of China and the auditing agency. 国务院组成部门依法分别履行国务院基本的行政管理职能。国务院组成部门包括各部、各委员会、中国人民银行和审计署。
The social functions of the state expand greatly with the development of state's administration and supervision to the society, whereas the political functions of state hide ingeniously behind social administration and social service. 现代国家的社会职能随着国家对社会的管理、监控与服务的发展而空前扩展,而国家的政治职能则更为巧妙地隐藏于社会管理和社会服务之后;
Study of the functions of the state planning in the system of the market economy 市场经济体制下国家计划的功能研究
This article has analyzed the functions of the state law and the popular law regarding their relationships, and put forward ways to integrate the two laws. 文章从国家法与民间法的关系入手,对两者作用进行辨析,并提出整合办法。
The Marxist theory of the functions of the state covers a broad ground, and its class function and social function are closely connected. 马克思主义国家职能理论内容广泛,其阶级职能和社会职能二者密不可分。
Power supervision and restraint bears on the performance of administrators 'functions, the work of the state apparatus, economic and social development, and the immediate interests of all the members of a society. 权力监督和制约关系到各级行政主体职能的履行、国家机器的运转以及整个经济社会的稳定发展,关系到全体社会成员的切身利益。
An Investigation of the Organizational Structure and Functions of the Supreme State Conference 最高国务会议组织结构及其功能探析
In order that the constitutional functions of the highest organ of state power could be put into effect, the Soviet Union established different organs to do specific work in different time. 为了使最高国家权力机关的宪法监督职能得以落实,苏联在不同历史时期设立了不同机关做违宪审查的具体工作。
On the Main Four Functions of the State in the New Institutional Economics 论新制度经济学中国家的四大职能
Finally the word-class shift functions of the quality and state adjectives are compared and described. 最后还就性质形容词和状态形容词的词类活用功能进行了分析比较。
The algorithm developed in this paper can be used to design the minimal order observers for linear functions of the state vector and the reduced order state observers of multi-output systems. 本文提供的算法不仅可用于设计多输出系统的最低阶多线性函数观测器,而且也可用于设计多输出系统的降阶状态观测器。
A new method of designing minimal order observers for linear functions of the state vector 设计最低阶多线性函数观测器的新方法
This paper discusses time-domain method of designing observers for linear functions of the state vector of the continuous, linear, time-invariant, MIMO systems. 本文讨论为连续线性时不变多输入多输出系统设计多线性函数观测器的时域方法。
Through these functions of regulation, the refrigerant state parameter of every unit, or the typical unit of refrigerant system can get reasonable value, and the condition of the refrigerant equipment can run safely, steadily, and in efficiently. 通过各种调节作用,使制冷剂状态参数在各部件或制冷系统典型部位具有合理的取值,以满足被控工艺参数的要求以及制冷装置的安全、稳定、高效节能运行。
It is therefore imperative that we reflect on the functions of the state law and the popular law in the construction of legal modernization in China. 反思中国法制现代化建设中国家法与民间法的作用十分必要。
For logic functions of sequential circuits, the state table based technology is relatively difficult to be executed, but does not need any extra circuits. 对于电路逻辑功能,基于状态表的测试技术操作相对困难,但无须增加额外测试电路;
Status and Functions of the Dangerous State on Dangerous Offences 略论危险状态在危险犯中的地位和作用
To any society, the function of police is an indispensable component of the functions of the state. 对于任何一个社会来说,警察职能都是不可或缺的,它是国家职能的重要组成部分。
Civil service personnel in our country an important part, they assume the functions of the state administration. 公务员队伍是我国人才队伍的重要组成部分,他们担负着国家行政管理的职能。
Faced with the crisis of modernity, Giddens advocates strengthening the functions and role of the state. 面对现代性危机,吉登斯主张强化国家的功能和作用。
Each prison performs the functions of enforcement authority of the state and assumes the business of the Prison Enterprise. 每个监狱既履行国家刑罚执行机关的职能,又承担监狱企业的生产经营任务。
This thesis consults the corpus of the modern Chinese works for the ontology research on the modern Chinese state adjectives, which will help us better understand the features and functions of the state adjectives. 本文参照作为现代汉语典范的文学作品的语料来对现代汉语状态形容词作本体研究,这有利于我们更好地去认识和理解状态形容词的特征和功能。
Finance is the material basis of a country, financial supervision is the inherent functions of the state financial, is an important part of the government oversight is also an integral part of financial management. 财政是一个国家的物质基础,财政监督是国家财政的固有职能,是政府监督的重要组成部分,也是财政管理不可或缺的环节。
The LKM mechanism enabled Linux operating system kernel running on the functions of the state will be able to expand. LKM使得Linux操作系统内核在运行状态就能对功能进行扩充。
Two kinds of ways of the national origin have determined two kinds of different functions of the state power: Namely politics rules the function and public management function. 国家起源的两种途径决定了国家政权的两种不同职能:即政治统治职能和公共管理职能。
To start with, this part will analyze how functions and powers of the state changed under reformation in Tang and Song Dynasty, and analyze the outward manifestations of those changes, which refer to "Non-control of Merger" and "Tenancy Contract". 这个部分首先分析处于唐宋变革下国家职能是如何转变的,以及这些转变的外在表现,即不抑兼并和契约租佃制。